
Get for iPad

Write + Draw + AI

3 easy steps: Write anything from an equation to shorthand or drawings, connect ideas & tap AI.

Unconstrained & Unlimited

Pencil Canvas + AI

Stop switching between chatbots, notes & search engines 


Stop taking pictures of math equations and loading them into assistants.


Do the work that matters. 

Chat + Search + Wiki + Canvas = Qonqur

All data any data

Table Formatting

Your Paragraph Text (3)

Foundations to Frontiers

Math at Any Level

Your Paragraph Text (4)

Drawings, diagrams & sketches

Ideas are more than Words


Engage Your Mind

Enhance Your Intelligence

We aren't replacing you with AI. We're enhancing you with it by putting a future tool in your hands so you can Qonqur anything


Version 1.0 Is live now!
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